Posted by: Faqir | November 17, 2014

Shaykh Ghassan Darkal al-Hassani Passes Away

Sayyiduna Shaykh Ghassan Darkal al-Hassani al-Shadhili

Assalamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh , We pray this finds everyone well, wrapped in Allah’s mercy and steadfastly travelling the path to eternal felicity, in sha Allah.

Shaykh Ghassan Darkal al-Hassani has passed away, he was one of the Notable Ulama & he was the Khadim of Sayyiduna Sayyid Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Zayn al-Abideen al-Shaghouri Rahimahullah. Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. May He give him to drink from the Basin of His Prophet (alayhi salat wa salam), that he may never thirst thereafter, and may He enter him into the highest gardens of Paradise! Ameen.

Sayyiduna Sayyid Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Abideen al-Shaghouri al-Shadhili al-Damishqi

Sayyiduna Sayyid Shaykh Abd al-Rahman Zayn al-Abideen al-Shaghouri al-Hasani al-Shadhili al-Dimashqi Rahimahullah

“To the mercy of Allah, Sayyid Shaykh Ghassan Darkal al-Hassani

We have received with great sadness and sorrow the news of the death of our brother and beloved friend, sheikh Ghassan Darkal. A Great Sufi, a man of Allah, an ascetic, and caller to the way of Allah, and a Sharif. May the mercy of Almighty God’s wrap him and may his soul rest in Paradises. He belonged to the Shadhili order and his father was a disciple of the Great Shaykh Muhammad al-Hashimi, Rahimahullah.

Sheikh Ghassan lived and married in Spain and spoke Spanish and did huge efforts to help Spanish Muslims and several people took shahada at his hands.

He was an example of good character and humility, generous, opened his home to students and took care of foreigners. He accompanied the late Sayyid Shaykh Abdul Rahman al-Shaghouri, Rahimahullah for all his life and benefitted from him.

We extend our condolences to his family especially his sons and his students and to our Shadhili fellows in Syria and around the World. We pray that Allah Almighty grant them patience and fortitude and that Allah end our lives with the best of actions in a state of invocation with our tongues being moist by the Name of Allah.”

– Sayyid Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi, Hafidahullah

إلى رحمة الله تعالى العارف بالله الشيخ غسان دركل رحمه الله

تلقينا ببالغ الحزن والأسى نبأ وفاة أخينا وحبيبنا العالم العامل الداعية الفاضل الصابر الشاكر العابد الذاكر ولي الله العارف بالله الشريف الحسني الشيخ غسان دركل رحمه الله تعالى رحمة واسعة وأسكنه فسيح جنانه. كان فينا نعلم ولا نزكي على الله أحدا صوفيا حقا نشأ في بيت نسب وعلم وولاية على الطريقة الشاذلية فوالده الشيخ وجيه دركل كان مريدا عند العلامة المحقق والعارف المدقق قطب الولاية والإرشاد وإمام الأولياء الزهاد الشيخ محمد بن الهاشمي التلمساني. فنشأ ابنه في هذه الحلقات مريدا وطالب علم ثم اشتغل بالدعوة إلى الله تعالى ورحل إلى بلاد الأندلس (إسبانية) وتزوج بها وانتفع به أهل تلك البلاد فقد تحدث لغتهم وهدى الله على يديه العديد منهم ولازم العارف بالله المرشد الشيخ عبد الرحمن الشاغوري وانتفع به وما زال مستقيما على الذكر والمذاكرة وإقامة الدروس وجمع الطلبة على الله تعالى حتى توفاه الله راضيا مرضيا.
نتقدم بالعزاء إلى آل بيته وأبنائه وإخوانه وطلابه داعين المولى عز وجل أن يرزقهم جميل الصبر وحسن السلوان وأن يجعل فيهم الخير والبركة إلى يوم الدين.

Some photos of the Late Shaykh:

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  1. Allah – beginning with the name of – the Most Gracious Merciful, the Most Merciful.
    Sallallahu alan-Nabiyyil Sallallahu alaihi wasallam Salatan- wasalamanalaika Ya Rasoolallah.
    Walikumwasalam Wa Rehamtullahe Wa Barkathu.
    Very sad news>>>>>>
    Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. May He give him to drink from the Basin of His Prophet (alayhi salat wa salam), that he may never thirst thereafter, and
    may He enter him into the highest gardens of Paradise! JANNAT -Ul-FRIDOS Ameen Suma Ameen.

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