Posted by: Faqir | April 2, 2012

Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani and Shaykh Muhammad Yasin Zamalkani from Damascus have passed away

Photo One : Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani Doing Dhiqr

Photo Two : Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani at a gathering

Photo Three : Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani with his father the Great Muhaddith and Scholar al-Arif Billah Shaykh Sayyid Makki al-Kittani Alayhi Rahma

Photo Four : A photo of Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani in his home

As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ,The erudite Scholar  Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani, the second son of al-Arif Billah Shaykh Sayyid Makki al-Kittani Alayhi Rahma who was a leading Scholar and Wali from Damascus has passed away today , A few days ago another great Scholar Shaykh Muhammad Yasin Zamalkani from Damascus Passed away He was a pious man. The great scholars of damascus would sent people to him for him to read on them.  inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un  .

Tribute by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi :

نعي العارف بالله السيد تاج الدين الكتاني رحمه الله بلغنا اليوم نبأ وفاة العالم العامل والولي الصالح العارف بالله الشريف الجليل السيد تاج الدين الكتاني بدمشق عن خمس وثمانين سنة قضاها في التعليم والإرشاد وذكر الله تعالى وإحياء سنن المصطفى عليه الصلاة والسلام. إنه لمصاب جلل وخطب عظيم تتصدع له القلوب وتنهد له الجبال، فالفقيد أحد أركان الولاية والإرشاد في بلاد الشام. كان رحمه الله رجلا ربانيا مُلئ صدقا وفاض إخلاصا وازداد بالتواضع والزهد كمالا. وهو ابن العلامة الشهير السيد محمد المكي الكتاني مفتي المالكية ورئيس رابطة العلماء بدمشق، لازم والده واغترف من بحار العلم والتصوف في صحبته، وأخذ عن مشاهير علماء العصر علوم الشريعة وعلوم العربية وتخرج من الأزهر الشريف ثم اشتغل بالتعليم في ثانويات دمشق فتخرج تحت يده أجيال من الطلبة، مع الاشتغال بإقراء الدروس في العلوم الشرعية والإرشاد والتربية إلى أن تقاعد فلازم داره وتفرغ لإخوانه. أجازه والده واستجاز له عددا من العلماء منهم المحدث الأكبر الشيخ بدر الدين الحسني، وأجازه السيد عبد الكبير بن الماحي الصقلي، وسمع عليه الأربعين العجلونية بحضور والده، وكان قائما على مجلس الذكر في دار والده بعد وفاته رضي الله عنه كل ثلاثاء ثم نقل المجلس إلى جامع الدلامية بالصالحية. كان رحمه الله من أهل التمكين، قوي الحال، صاحب همة في عالم الأرواح، مجاب الدعوة، ميالا للعزلة، بعيدا عن التكلف، يتباسط مع الإخوان، صادق اللهجة، قليل الكلام، ملازما الذكر، محافظا على السنن النبوية والآداب الشرعية، معظما للنبي عليه الصلاة والسلام أشد تعظيم كما كان آباؤه. وكان رحمه الله محبا لآل بيتنا آل اليعقوبي حبا عظيما مجلا للوالد رحمه الله وحضر في شبابه بعض دروس الوالد في الرسالة القشيرية وشرح الحكم وكان يرجع إليه في معضلات العلوم ومشكلات التصوف. وله رحمه الله فيّ محبة أعتز بها وشهادات وثناء أفتخر به، فلقد عرفته منذ وعيت وقد بلغت الآن خمسين سنة، فما عرفت فيه إلا الاستقامة والثبات. وعرف هو كيف نشأت في أحضان والدي ووالده وكان للسيد المكي رحمه الله تعالى علي نظر وأجازني مرارا وسمعت منه المسلسلات، فكان يعرف لي ذلك. والسيد تاج الدين هو الثاني بين أبناء السيد المكي ويكبره بسبع سنين شقيقه السيد محمد الفاتح الكتاني إمام العارفين وبقية السلف الصالحين الآن بدمشق وبلاد الشام، وأحد من يشار إليه بالبنان ويتبرك به من الأولياء والعلماء في العالم الإسلامي، نسأل الله تعالى أن يمد في عمره ويمتع المسلمين به. ونحن إذ تلقينا نبأ هذه الفاجعة بالرضا والتسليم نسأل الله تعالى للفقيد الرحمة والرضوان ونتقدم بأحر التعازي وأصدق السلوان لولديه الجليلين د. عبد الرحمن ود. عبد الكبير ولشقيقه العارف بالله تعالى عمدة البيت الكتاني بدمشق السيد محمد الفاتح ولإخوته السادة الأشراف الأستاذ المهندس خالد والدكتور عبد الله والدكتور عبد القادر والأستاذ المهندس محمد علي ونقدم تعازي خاصة لعمه الجليل رأس هذا البيت الجليل العلامة الدكتور إدريس بن سيدي محمد بن جعفر الكتاني بالرباط ونتقدم لآل الكتاني جميعا في دمشق والمغرب ولتلاميذ الفقيد بالتعازي داعين المولى عز وجل أن يجعل في ذريته وإخوانه الخير والبركة وإنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون.




Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani passed away By shaykh Muhammad Al-Yaqoubi .

We sadly received today the news of the death of Shaykh Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani , a scholar who practised his knowledge, a righteous wali and respected sayyid, after he spent 85 years in teaching and guiding people and reviving the Sunnas of the Elect, upon him all prayers and salutation be sent. This is a great calamity and a serious loss, at which hearts may split and and mountains could collapse, as the diseased was a pillar of sainthood and guidance in the Syrian territories. He was a godly man, filled with trust, overwhelming with sincerity, while humility and asceticism added to his perfection.

He is the son of the famous scholar, Sayyid, Muhammad Makki Al-Kittani, who was the Malikite Mufti and the chairman of the league of the Ulema in Damascus. He accompanied his father and swam in the oceans of his knowledge and guidance. He studied the Islamic and Arabic sciences under various scholars of Syria; and after he graduated from Al-Azhar University he started teaching the Damascus secondary schools where generations of young students benefitted from him, while teaching the sacred knowledge outside schools till he retired.

He then devoted the rest of his life to offering spiritual guidance to his students. He received an ijaza from his father, who requested iajzas for him from many scholars such as the Grand Muhaddith sh. Badruddin Al-Hasani. He also received an ijaza from Sayyid Abdul Kabir ibn Al-Maahi Al-Siquilli and studied with him, alongside his father, the forty hadiths of Imam Ajlooni. He, after the death of his father, started leading the Tuesday dhikr gathering in the home of his father, which was moved later to Al-Dlamiyyah mosque in Salihiyya quarter. He, may Allah have mercy on him, was a wali with a fast state, with strong spiritual impact and high aspirations in the spiritual world.

His dua was answered, and he always tended to seclusion, keeping away from formalities, befriending his students, speaking always the truth, though he did not speak much. He maintained a state of dhikr and practised the Prophetic sunnas and guarded the adabs of the shari’a revering anything related to the Prophetic Side, as his ancestors always did. He, may Allah have mercy on him, was in great love with our family, the Al-Yaqoubis, holding my father in respect.

He attended some of my father’s lectures on Risala of Imam Qushayri and the commentary of Hikam by Ibn ‘Ajeebah and referred to my father on tough shari’a questions and ambiguous sufi issues. He loved me and made several statements in praise of me, which I proclaim in thankfulness to Allah. I knew him since I was a little boy, while I am now at the age of fifty, and he always was a man of uprightness and firm state. He also knew how I had special attention from his father and that I got the iajza of his father several times and that I heard the musalsal hadiths from him. He is the second son of Sayyid Makki. The first son of Sayyid Makki, who is seven years older than him, is Sayyid Muhammad Al-Faatih, living now in Syria.

He is the imam of the Gnostics and the remaining of the elders of the salaf and a distinguished wali in the Islamic World today. We pray Allah extend his life and allow Muslims to benefit from his presence. Upon receiving this sad news with full acceptance of the decree of Allah and an absolute submission to His Divine Will, we beseech Allah to send His Infinite Mercy upon the diseased. We offer our heartfelt and sincere condolences to his two sons Dr. Abdul Rahman and Dr. Abdul Kabir, to his older brother, Sayyid Al-Faatih and to the rest of his brothers, and specially to his uncle, Dr. Idris Al-Kittani of Rabat, and to the entire Kittani family in Syria and Morocco as well as all his students. We pray that Allah put all good and barakah in his offspring and his brothers. We belong to Allah and to Him is our return.

May Allah Ta’ala Raise their Ranks.

The Biography of Shaykh Muhammad Makki al-Kittani Alayhi Rahma :

Rare Audio of Shaykh Sayyid Makki al-KittaniAlayhi Rahma by Faqir Alamm :

Rare Footage of Shaykh Fatih al-Kittani , the Brother of Shaykh  Sayyid Taj al-Din al-Kittani Alayhi Rahma :




  1. Assalamu `alaykum,

    It should say “deceased” instead of “diseased”. Feel free to remove this comment.

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